Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for School Students

1. Respect and Responsibility
– Treat all students, teachers, and staff with respect.
– Show respect for school property and the property of others.
– Take responsibility for your actions and their consequences.

2. Academic Integrity
– Complete all assignments honestly and to the best of your ability.
– Avoid cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty.
– Be punctual and prepared for classes and school activities.

3. Attendance and Punctuality
– Attend school regularly and arrive on time.
– Provide a valid reason for any absences or lateness.
– Leave note addressing to the principal with medical certificate (if sick) for
reporting absences, if it is more than 3 days.

4. Dress Code
– Students should come to school in school uniform only. Uniform should
be clean and properly ironed.
– Wear appropriate and respectful clothing at all times.

5. Behavior
– Follow all school rules and regulations.
– Maintain a positive attitude and refrain from disruptive behavior.
– Resolve conflicts peacefully and seek help from school staff when needed.
– Running, playing, shouting or any other disturbance is not allowed in the
school during study hours. All games and sports should be played during the
time fixed for it.
– Students must speak in English while at school.

6. Health and Safety
– Follow all health and safety guidelines.
– Refrain from bringing prohibited items, such as weapons or illegal substances, to school.
– Report any unsafe conditions or behaviors to a teacher or administrator.

7. Use of Technology
– Use school technology responsibly and for educational purposes.
– Avoid accessing inappropriate content online.
– Follow the school’s guidelines for the use of personal electronic devices.

8. Extracurricular Activities
– Participate in extracurricular activities in a manner that reflects well on the
– Show good sportsmanship and respect in all extracurricular activities.

9. Community Involvement
– Contribute positively to the school community.
– Participate in community service and school events when possible.

10. Consequences
– Understand that violations of the code of conduct will result in appropriate consequences, which may include detention, suspension, or expulsion.
– Cooperate with any disciplinary actions and use them as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

school hours

Mon-Sat: 09:00am – 3:30pm


KNE Public School
Dodda Bommasandra Access Road, 4th Block, Chamundeswari Layout, Doddabommasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka-560097. India


+91 80 23451794